Ultrasound America LLC is a mobile ultrasound service that is based out of Roanoke, VA. Our ultrasound services include diagnostic echo, abdomen, pelvic, limited vascular, OB, 3D/4D gender/elective scans, and screenings. We offer affordable alternatives for people with high deductible insurance, no insurance, or self-pay individuals. We strive to provide the best ultrasound services that give our clients another option towards owning their own healthcare choices. Our Owner, Susan Pritts, RDMS, RCS, has been providing ultrasound services since 1995 and has proven to be a trusted healthcare provider. If you give us the chance we will show you why we offer the best ultrasound services in town! So, don’t wait – call now!
Ultrasound America LLC is located at 1950 Electric Rd. SW Roanoke, VA
To make an appointment, we’ve made it easier for you! On our website, you will see a button that says “Set an appointment” If you press that button, you will be able to set up your appointment by selecting the day and time in our calendar and even make a payment! If you happen to have any questions or concerns you are always welcome to give us a call at 540-759-2355 or email us at susan@ultrasoundamericallc.com! We will be happy to help!
Monday to Friday: 8:30 - 5:00
Saturday: By appointment only